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Product Name

SimpleFOCMini Alternative DC Brushless Motor Drive Board FOC Control Driver SVPWM Control Algorithm


The LC SimpleFOCMini (alternative) brushless motor drive board uses a three-phase gate driver and 6 NMOS transistors to form a 1-channel BLDC drive circuit,
compatible with the foreign open-source project SimpleFOCMini.Users can use the Simple FOC library in the Arduino environment to control the smooth and high-precision operation of BLDC brushless motors.


Front view


Side view


Reverse image


Functional Features

1. The BLDC driving section is composed of one FD6288T three-phase gate driver and six 30V/5A NMOS transistors
The control logic and board size are compatible with the official original SimpleFOCMini DRV8313 solution
But it does not have Reset, Sleep, and Fault pin functions

2. Support SPWM and SPVMW control algorithms

3. Supports 3.3V/5V level control

4. Maximum output motor load current 5A

5. Onboard 3.3V@200mA And 5V@100mA LDO output can provide power to external devices

6. Power supply voltage DC10-24V

7. Onboard power indicator light

Introduction and Explanation

Board size: 26mm * 21mm/3g


Interface Introduction


1. VIN, GND: DC10-24V power supply

2. Motor control signal input and LDO output interface

  • Motor control signal: used to control the high and low side outputs of the three-phase gate driver, IN1-IN3 are respectively used to control the high and low side gates of the 1st to 3rd MOS half bridge
  • IN (x) control terminal: When IN (x) is high, HO (x) outputs high and LO (x) outputs low; When IN (x) is low, HO (x) outputs low, LO (x) outputs high
  • LDO output: 3.3V@200mA And 5V@100mA , can provide power to MCU/external devices

3. A, B, C: brushless motor interface

Arduino development environment setup

1. Install Arduino IDE 1.8.9 or the latest version

2. Click on "Tools" in the menu bar ->"Management Library" ->"Development Board Manager", and then search for "Simple FOC" to install version 2.1.0 or later
(Note: Installing the latest version may cause subsequent current detection programs to fail compilation)


Basic functional testing

Hardware preparation: Arduino UNO development board, SimpleFOCMini driver board, MKS YT2804 brushless motor( DC12V@7 Extreme pair, DC12V DC power supply, USB square port cable

1. Wiring method

  • Brushless motor: connected to ports A, B, and C of the drive board
  • Control signal: Connect the IN1, IN2, IN3, and GND of the driver board to the 9~, 5~, 6~, and GND ports of the Arduino development board, respectively
  • Arduino development board USB port: connected to the computer USB port through a square USB cable
  • Driver board VIN GND power supply port: connected to DC12V power supply


Open loop speed test

  • Open the Arduino IDE and click on: File ->Example ->Simple FOC ->motion_comtrol ->open-loop->comotor->control ->open->loop->velocity->example


  • Modify parameters according to the motor used:

BLDCMotor motor=BLDCMotor (11) is modified to BLDCMotor motor=BLDCMotor (7)
Change motor.voltage_Limit=3 to motor.voltage_Limit=1

  • Select the Arduino UNO development board model, choose the COM port number, and then click the "Upload" button to download the program to the development board


  • Open the 'Serial Port Monitor' and wait for the serial port to output Motor ReadMotor ready! After receiving the information, enter the motor speed value (e.g. T10), click "Send",
    The motor will rotate at the set speed. For example, if T30 is inputted again, the motor rotation speed will increase



User Manual Download

For more product information, please refer toBaidu Cloud Drive Extraction code: ykfe